Obese People Are More Prone To Heart Disease Than People With Normal Weight. Part 2 of 3

Obese People Are More Prone To Heart Disease Than People With Normal Weight – Part 2 of 3

And “It depends partly on genes, partly on the informant of calories, partly on activity levels, partly on hormone levels. Weight gain in the lower extremities among younger women tends to be metabolically harmless; weight gain as rich in the liver can be harmful at very low levels”.


A number of things, however, work to increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and death over time. “In particular, fat in the liver interferes with its serve and insulin sensitivity”. This starts a domino effect. “Insensitivity to insulin causes the pancreas to compensate by raising insulin output. Higher insulin levels affect other hormones in a cascade that causes inflammation. Fight-or-flight hormones are affected, raising blood pressure. Liver dysfunction also impairs blood cholesterol levels”.

In miscellaneous the things people do to make themselves fitter and healthier have to make them less fat. “Lifestyle practices conducive to weight control over the long term are generally conducive to better overall health as well. I favor a focus on finding vigorousness over a focus on losing weight”. For the study, Retnakaran’s team reviewed eight studies that looked at differences between obese or overweight people and slimmer people in terms of their health and danger for heart attack, stroke and death.

Parts: 1 2 3